

In accordance with Article 3(1) provision of Minister of Transportation of Republic Indonesia KM 33 published on 4 th October 2001, decided that domestic sea transportation in Indonesia should be carried out by Indonesian shipping company with Indonesia flag ship.

The meaning of domestic sea transportation is inter-island sea ports transportation or sea transportation in the region off shore waters of Indonesia.

In article 4(1) by the same rules statet that if the number and capacity of the fleet in Indonesia less than a certain period, certain routes and certain types of ships, can use sea worthy foreign ship by lease or charter and operated real.

To use foreign vessel as mentioned above , article 5(1) explain that the said vessel  must fulfill requirements are :
1. Age maximum 20 years old ship and sea worthy as evidenced by ship safety certificate is still valid.
2. Have evidence the lease or charter agreement and operates in certain time period which can be verified.
3. Having certificate of registery from the country of origin.
4. When foreign ships leased or chartered more than six months respectively, should use crew Indonesian citizen at least 50 %.
5. Ship classification classed at the Board recognized by Government.

Author : Mohammad Thahir
Email : emthahir@gmail.com




   To set up a new shipping company in Indonesia, firstly to be made deed of establisment and article of incorporate, formulated in Public Notary document.

   Articles of incorporate of a shipping company  similar to the  limited liability in general. The real difference is in the article about the activities or business sectors. To be noted  that in accordance with the rule of law in Indonesia, shipping companies should be a stand-alone company, it means not doing other activities such as stevedoring activities, freight forwarding , even though these activities closely related to the activities of shipping companies.  Similarly, stevedoring company and freight forwarding company can not do the  activities of shipping company.  Similarly, the stevedoring company should not perform freight  forwarding activities and vice versa.  In some specific shipping companies can also act as the accounting authority for maritie communication 
   The process of establishment of shipping companies, could  contact the notary office that made the establishment and formulation articles of incorporate in accordance with the wishes of their founders, but should not conflict with the rule of law in Indonesia. In the process, to more easily able to obtain a package delivered to the notary's office has included:
  1. Deed  of establisment and formulation article of  incorporate .
  2. Notification report to the Minister of Justice and Human Rights to obtain status as a legal entity.
  3. Announcement deed of establishment and articles of incorporate  in promogulation of  Republic of Indonesia.
  4. Registration number of tax  ( tax ID card ).
  5. Certificate of company registry.
  6. Certificate of domicile
Until here is the complete establishment of a shipping company in Indonesia.- 

 Author         : Mohammad Thahir
Email           : emtahir@gmail.com




To obtain License Certificate for Shipping Company ( Sea Transportation) in Indonesia should be provided some documents as follows :

1. Application from the shipping company contain plan activities.
2. The Articles of Incorporation of the Shipping Company made by Notary Public in Indonesia.
3. Owned one vessel by minimum Gross Tonage 175 or a couple tug and barge
4. Certificate of Measurement
5. Tax ID number of the company
6. Copy ID card  of  Board of Director (President Directror)
7. Certificate of Domicile
8. Other  documents relation safety

To process untill obtain SIUPAL about two months

Author : Mohammad Thahir
Email   : emthahir@gmail.com



Shipping business has three main characteristics i.g. : capital intensive/large investment, high risks and long payback/slow back investment.. But why the shipping business interesting ? because shipping business is a unique business , challenging and promosing big profit.

Say unique because in every operational activity will never face the same things and ways of handling the same, both in the field of operational activities, movement of the vessel, handling repairs and maintenance, crewing/manning, claim insurance, security and safety issues, even the administrative problems and others.

Say challenging because of the various cases or problems encountered, need expertise, professionalism, and certain tricks in handling.

 Other challenging to be faced is the safety and security requirements that must fulfilled in accordance with the provisions of  IMO ( International Maritime Organization) such as the ISM Code and ISPS Code and Class requirements.

To fulfill requirements, need big fund , especially for maintenance, repair and certification. On the other side,the price of one unit of the vessel is not cheap and generally vessel procurement investments can not be implemented with its own capital  but should be with the assistance or finance support from both the financial institutions from banks or non banks that would be burdened with interest , so the investment vesel as the main production of the shipping companies have becomes very expensive being Return Of  Investment (ROI) for along time. But behind it all the shipping company that promises big profits. Here's the interesting.-

Author : Mohammad Thahir
Email  : emthahir@gmail.com




Juanda Declaration triggered on December 13, 1957 by the Prime Minister of Indonesia at the time, Djuanda Kartawidjaja, is a declaration stating to the world that Indonesia is the sea, including sea around, between and within the Indonesian archipelago into a single Homeland territorial integrity.

Before the declaration Djuanda, the Republic of Indonesia refers to the Dutch East Indies Ordinance 1939, which Teritoriale Zeeën en Maritieme Kringen Ordinance 1939 (TZMKO 1939). In the Dutch East Indies era regulations, the islands in the archipelago are separated by the sea all around and each island has only around the sea as far as 3 miles from the coastline. This means that foreign ships could freely sail the sea separating the islands.

Djuanda Declaration states that Indonesia is adopting the principles of an archipelago (Archipelagic State) who at that time a great conflict of some countries, so that inter-island seas was a territory of the Republic of Indonesia and not a free zone. The declaration further Djuanda No.4/PRP/1960 promulgated into law on Indonesian waters. As a result of the Republic of Indonesia area multiple of 2.5 times the 2,027,087 km ² 5,193,250 km ². By calculating the straight line 196 (straight baselines) from the outermost point of the island, creating a virtual border line around 8069.8 miles RI along the sea [1].

After going through the penjang struggle, this declaration in 1982 finally be accepted and established in the law of the sea convention UN-III Year 1982 (United Nations Convention On The Law of The Sea / UNCLOS 1982). Later this delarasi reaffirmed by Law Number 17 Year 1985 on the ratification of UNCLOS in 1982 that Indonesia is an archipelago.

In 1999, President Soeharto proclaimed December 13 as the Day of the archipelago. The determination was reaffirmed today with the publication of Presidential Decree No. 126 of 2001, so that on December 13, officially became a day of national celebration."

Source        : Kementerian Perhubungan Republik Indonesia
Quoted  by : Mohammad Thahir 
Email         :  emthahir@gmail.com


Kementerian Perhubungan Republik Indonesia

Kementerian Perhubungan Republik Indonesia: "Juanda Declaration
pusdatin, 10/10/2009. Read 386 times.

Juanda Declaration triggered on December 13, 1957 by the Prime Minister of Indonesia at the time, Djuanda Kartawidjaja, is a declaration stating to the world that Indonesia is the sea, including sea around, between and within the Indonesian archipelago into a single Homeland territorial integrity.

Before the declaration Djuanda, the Republic of Indonesia refers to the Dutch East Indies Ordinance 1939, which Teritoriale Zeeën en Maritieme Kringen Ordinance 1939 (TZMKO 1939). In the Dutch East Indies era regulations, the islands in the archipelago are separated by the sea all around and each island has only around the sea as far as 3 miles from the coastline. This means that foreign ships could freely sail the sea separating the islands.

Djuanda Declaration states that Indonesia is adopting the principles of an archipelago (Archipelagic State) who at that time a great conflict of some countries, so that inter-island seas was a territory of the Republic of Indonesia and not a free zone. The declaration further Djuanda No.4/PRP/1960 promulgated into law on Indonesian waters. As a result of the Republic of Indonesia area multiple of 2.5 times the 2,027,087 km ² 5,193,250 km ². By calculating the straight line 196 (straight baselines) from the outermost point of the island, creating a virtual border line around 8069.8 miles RI along the sea [1].

After going through the penjang struggle, this declaration in 1982 finally be accepted and established in the law of the sea convention UN-III Year 1982 (United Nations Convention On The Law of The Sea / UNCLOS 1982). Later this delarasi reaffirmed by Law Number 17 Year 1985 on the ratification of UNCLOS in 1982 that Indonesia is an archipelago.

In 1999, President Soeharto proclaimed December 13 as the Day of the archipelago. The determination was reaffirmed today with the publication of Presidential Decree No. 126 of 2001, so that on December 13, officially became a day of national celebration."



In case one day you buy second hand vessel or you are the new comer in shipping business in Indonesia and need to change flag your vessel to Indonesian flag, follow the step :

1. Established new company "Indonesian Shipping Company", a Limited Liability Company Incorporate pursuant to the laws of Indonesia, made by Notary Public in Indonesia.

2. Buy and Sell transaction between Buyer and Seller, provided : Commercial Invoice, Bill of Sale, Deletion Certificate, Protocol of Delivery and Acceptance and other relation documents.

3. Survey and inspect by Directorate General Sea Communication to issue Tonage Measurement certificate and other relation certificate pursuant to the Indonesian regulation. The result, will be issued Owner Certificate and Registry (Gross Akte).

4. Pursuant to the Indonesian Regulation No. KM 33/2001, to obtain License Certificate (SIUPAL) issued by Directorate General Sea Communication, the Shipping Company should be owned one vessel Indonesian flag by Gross Tonage 175 Ton.

Author :

Mohammad Thahir
Email : emthahir@gmail.com
