Kementerian Perhubungan Republik Indonesia
Kementerian Perhubungan Republik Indonesia: "Juanda Declaration
pusdatin, 10/10/2009. Read 386 times.
Juanda Declaration triggered on December 13, 1957 by the Prime Minister of Indonesia at the time, Djuanda Kartawidjaja, is a declaration stating to the world that Indonesia is the sea, including sea around, between and within the Indonesian archipelago into a single Homeland territorial integrity.
Before the declaration Djuanda, the Republic of Indonesia refers to the Dutch East Indies Ordinance 1939, which Teritoriale Zeeën en Maritieme Kringen Ordinance 1939 (TZMKO 1939). In the Dutch East Indies era regulations, the islands in the archipelago are separated by the sea all around and each island has only around the sea as far as 3 miles from the coastline. This means that foreign ships could freely sail the sea separating the islands.
Djuanda Declaration states that Indonesia is adopting the principles of an archipelago (Archipelagic State) who at that time a great conflict of some countries, so that inter-island seas was a territory of the Republic of Indonesia and not a free zone. The declaration further Djuanda No.4/PRP/1960 promulgated into law on Indonesian waters. As a result of the Republic of Indonesia area multiple of 2.5 times the 2,027,087 km ² 5,193,250 km ². By calculating the straight line 196 (straight baselines) from the outermost point of the island, creating a virtual border line around 8069.8 miles RI along the sea [1].
After going through the penjang struggle, this declaration in 1982 finally be accepted and established in the law of the sea convention UN-III Year 1982 (United Nations Convention On The Law of The Sea / UNCLOS 1982). Later this delarasi reaffirmed by Law Number 17 Year 1985 on the ratification of UNCLOS in 1982 that Indonesia is an archipelago.
In 1999, President Soeharto proclaimed December 13 as the Day of the archipelago. The determination was reaffirmed today with the publication of Presidential Decree No. 126 of 2001, so that on December 13, officially became a day of national celebration."
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